Veneficus (the Warlocks)

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newBookmarkLockedFalling this land is my land;; claim!
Athena 3 790 by Athena
Jul 7, 2015 14:31:14 GMT


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Veneficus or the Warlock's are a pack built on blood-line and family. They are run by the first of her blood - Ghost. There are three main sub-groups within the pack, the royal family, the viceroy's, and the subordinates. The royal family will begin with the mated queen and king and once there is a set of ranks filled, the bloodline will continue. However, because the pack is brand new, subordinates or new pack members may be brought into the royalty ranks to keep the pack flowing. The Viceroy's are the most trusted of the royal family. They are trusted to hold high rankings and are the closest to the queen and king. Most are often granted breeding rights as well, as long as they ask. The subordinates make up the rest of the pack.
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